Education reformEducation reform is the name given to the goal of changing public education. The meaning and education methods have changed through debates over what content or experiences result in an educated individual or an educated society. Historically, the motivations for reform have not reflected the current needs of society. A consistent theme of reform includes the idea that large systematic changes to educational standards will produce social returns in citizens' health, wealth, and well-being.
Agriculture durableL'agriculture durable (anciennement soutenable, traduction alternative de l'anglais sustainable) est l'application à l'agriculture des principes du développement durable tels que définis par la communauté internationale à Rio de Janeiro en . Il s'agit d'un système de production agricole qui vise à assurer une production pérenne de nourriture, de bois et de fibres en respectant les limites écologiques, économiques et sociales qui assurent la maintenance dans le temps de cette production.
Student-centered learningStudent-centered learning, also known as learner-centered education, broadly encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. In original usage, student-centered learning aims to develop learner autonomy and independence by putting responsibility for the learning path in the hands of students by imparting to them skills, and the basis on how to learn a specific subject and schemata required to measure up to the specific performance requirement.
Sustainable food systemA sustainable food system is a type of food system that provides healthy food to people and creates sustainable environmental, economic, and social systems that surround food. Sustainable food systems start with the development of sustainable agricultural practices, development of more sustainable food distribution systems, creation of sustainable diets, and reduction of food waste throughout the system. Sustainable food systems have been argued to be central to many or all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Auto-efficacitéLe sentiment d’auto-efficacité constitue la croyance qu’a un individu en sa capacité de réaliser une tâche. Plus grand est le sentiment d'auto-efficacité, plus élevés sont les objectifs qu’il s'impose et son engagement dans leur poursuite. La théorie de l’auto-efficacité a été élaborée par le psychologue canadien Albert Bandura (Bandura, 1977, 1997, 2003) dans le cadre théorique plus large de la théorie sociale cognitive (Bandura, 1986). L’auto-efficacité est une émotion aussi connue sous le nom de confiance contextuelle (ou situationnelle).
Sustainable dietSustainable diets are "dietary patterns that promote all dimensions of individuals’ health and wellbeing; have low environmental pressure and impact; are accessible, affordable, safe and equitable; and are culturally acceptable". These diets are nutritious, eco-friendly, economically sustainable, and accessible to people of various socioeconomic backgrounds. Sustainable diets attempt to address nutrient deficiencies (e.g., undernourishment) and excesses (e.g.
Styles d'apprentissageLes styles d’apprentissage constituent une gamme de théories concurrentes et contestées qui, à partir d’un concept commun selon lequel les apprenants diffèreraient dans la façon d’acquérir leur connaissances, vise à tenir compte desdites différences d’acquisition supposées chez les apprenants. Bien que ces diverses théories divergent dans leurs vues sur la façon dont lesdits styles doivent être définis et classés, ces théories suggèrent que tous les apprenants pourraient être étiquetés en fonction d’un « style » d’apprentissage particulier comme « visuel », « auditif », « kinesthésique », « tactile », etc.
Student teacherA student teacher or prac teacher (practice teacher) is a college, university or graduate student who is teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education. The term is also often used interchangeably with pre-service teacher. It is a much broader term to include those students that are studying the required coursework in pedagogy, as well as their specialty, but have not entered the supervised teaching portion of their training.
Inquiry-based learningInquiry-based learning (also spelled as enquiry-based learning in British English) is a form of active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios. It contrasts with traditional education, which generally relies on the teacher presenting facts and their knowledge about the subject. Inquiry-based learning is often assisted by a facilitator rather than a lecturer. Inquirers will identify and research issues and questions to develop knowledge or solutions.
Pédagogiethumb|upright=1.3|Classe scolaire. La pédagogie (du grec , direction ou éducation des enfants) est l'art d'enseigner. Le terme rassemble les méthodes et pratiques d'enseignement requises pour transmettre un savoir (connaissances), un savoir-faire (compétences) et un savoir-être (attitudes). Plus généralement, l'expression « faire preuve de pédagogie » signifie l'aptitude à enseigner et à transmettre à un individu ou un groupe d'individus un savoir ou une expérience par l'usage des méthodes les plus adaptées à l'audience concernée.