Recent seismic events have showcased the vulnerability of non-structural components to even low- or moderate-intensity earthquakes that occur far more frequently than design-basis ones. Thus, community-critical buildings, such as hospitals, telecommunication facilities, or fire stations, often face lengthy functionality disruptions despite having suffered little structural damage during an earthquake. This paper summarises the numerical, and corroborating experimental, studies that were undertaken as part of the NSFUSE project at the University of Bristol’s shake-table facility. The primary focus was to investigate the concept validity of using ductile steel fuses for protecting acceleration-sensitive non- structural components in the aftermath of earthquakes. The objective was to offer a reliable and inexpensive solution, via replaceable sacrificial elements, for the protection of such components. The experimental program involved a series of planar shake table experiments. These were conducted using narrow-band floor acceleration input signals that were recorded in instrumented buildings through the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program during three different earthquake events. By changing the mass of the carriage-like test specimen, and the fuse height and its cross section, different component-to-building period ratios (tuned and slightly detuned cases) along with yield strength levels were investigated. For each test the input signals were incrementally scaled, if needed, to induce different ductility demands. The tests provided insight into the seismic performance of non-structural components that are mounted on a structure and the benefits of allowing controlled yielding to occur in the attachments of non-structural components that are tuned or nearly tuned to one of the primary modal periods of the supporting structure.