Impact cosmiquevignette|Représentation d'artiste d'un astéroïde tombant sur la Terre. Un impact cosmique est la collision entre deux ou plusieurs objets célestes provoquant des effets notables. Dans la majorité des cas un petit corps du système solaire, astéroïde ou comète, entre en collision avec une planète, telle que la Terre. La fréquence des impacts cosmiques dans le système solaire a varié en fonction de l'époque : très fréquents durant la formation du système solaire il y a 4,6 milliards d'années, ils se sont progressivement raréfiés au fur et à mesure que le nombre de corps célestes en circulation diminuait.
Conceptual modelA conceptual model is a representation of a system. It consists of concepts used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model represents. In contrast, a physical model focuses on a physical object such as a toy model that may be assembled and made to work like the object it represents. The term may refer to models that are formed after a conceptualization or generalization process. Conceptual models are often abstractions of things in the real world, whether physical or social.
Breadwinner modelThe breadwinner model is a paradigm of family centered on a breadwinner, "the member of a family who earns the money to support the others." Traditionally, the earner works outside the home to provide the family with income and benefits such as health insurance, while the non-earner stays at home and takes care of children and the elderly. The breadwinner model largely arose in western cultures after industrialization occurred. Before industrialization, all members of the household—including men, women, and children—contributed to the productivity of the household.
MulticollinearityIn statistics, multicollinearity (also collinearity) is a phenomenon in which one predictor variable in a multiple regression model can be linearly predicted from the others with a substantial degree of accuracy. In this situation, the coefficient estimates of the multiple regression may change erratically in response to small changes in the model or the data. Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power or reliability of the model as a whole, at least within the sample data set; it only affects calculations regarding individual predictors.