In 2011, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) started working on a set of guidelines towards increased resource efficiency. These guidelines represent a framework that defines resource efficiency and outlines considerations for the producing industry. A special guideline for SMEs is included as well as guidelines on methodologies for evaluating resource use indicators, such as the cumulative raw material demand of products and production systems. Resource efficiency, defined here as the relationship between a specific benefit or use and the natural resources that need to be spent or consumed to attain this benefit or use. It can be evaluated by defining a function which expresses the specific benefit and quantifies the resource requirements through a set of indicators (use of raw materials, energy, water, land and ecosystem services including sinks). The results from this also depend on the system boundary parameters and the allocation rules for by-products and waste treatment options. Optimising resource use is possible at all stages of a product’s or production system’s life cycle chain (raw material extraction, production and manufacturing, use and consumption, and the end-of-life stage). VDI guidelines are widely accepted across Germany’s industrial sector and therefore represent an important means of mainstreaming resource efficiency in this target area. As well as providing a methodological framework, the guidelines describe strategies and measures towards increasing resource efficiency, and they enable industrial producers and service providers to identify potential areas of improvement. The full article presents an overview of the methodology and contents of these guidelines and discusses their impact in achieving absolute reductions in the industrial use of natural resources.
Foivos Psarommatis Giannakopoulos