Jewish studiesJewish studies (or Judaic studies; madey ha-yahadut) is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism. Jewish studies is interdisciplinary and combines aspects of history (especially Jewish history), Middle Eastern studies, Asian studies, Oriental studies, religious studies, archeology, sociology, languages (Jewish languages), political science, area studies, women's studies, and ethnic studies. Jewish studies as a distinct field is mainly present at colleges and universities in North America.
Études islamiquesLes études islamiques désignent les études centrées autour du Coran, le livre sacré de l'islam. Elles regroupent les disciplines de la théologie, du droit islamique, de l'étude des exégèses des textes sacrés, et de l'histoire des traditions orientales. L'expression « sciences islamiques » est parfois traditionnellement utilisée pour désigner les études islamiques. L'étude des textes sacrés à l'origine des traditions prophétiques et du droit islamique nécessite l'apprentissage de l'arabe littéraire ancien (arabe coranique), la langue morte dans laquelle ils sont écrits.
Pathogenic bacteriaPathogenic bacteria are bacteria that can cause disease. This article focuses on the bacteria that are pathogenic to humans. Most species of bacteria are harmless and are often beneficial but others can cause infectious diseases. The number of these pathogenic species in humans is estimated to be fewer than a hundred. By contrast, several thousand species are part of the gut flora present in the digestive tract.