This work introduces a new methodology to predict the fatigue life of viscoelastic materials by considering the creep effect on fatigue behavior under the concurrent effects of stress level, stress ratio, and temperature. The model established based on the total amount of energy dissipated during fatigue loading. To estimate the amount of dissipated energy under varying stress ratios and temperatures, two shift factors, psi(cyclic)(R, T) and psi(cree)(R, T), were derived, attributed to the cyclic and creep parts of fatigue loading. These shift factors were subsequently incorporated into defined equilibrium equations to create the relationship between estimated dissipated energy and fatigue life. The input data for the model consisted of the dissipated energy and cyclic creep values obtained from experiments conducted at a reference stress ratio of 0.5 and reference temperature of 20 degrees C, together with the storage and loss moduli measured from one dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) experiment in the temperature range of 15 degrees C-60 degrees C on a fully-cured epoxy adhesive. To validate the accuracy of the results, the predicted fatigue life at three temperatures of 20 degrees C, 40 degrees C and 55 degrees C, each loaded under three stress ratios of 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 were compared with the experiments conducted under the same conditions. Almost all predicted results were in good agreement with the experiments, nevertheless; at the stress ratio of 0.9 at 20 degrees C, due to the significant change in the cyclic creep behavior, the accuracy of the prediction was lower. The developed model was used as a new constant life diagram (CLD) formulation, which afterwards was further developed to plot three-dimensional constant life diagrams (3-D CLDs) in which the constant life surfaces were a synergistic function of stress ratio and temperature.
Thomas Keller, Ghazaleh Eslami
Anastasios Vassilopoulos, José Manuel de Sena Cruz