MAST-U is equipped with on-axis and off-axis neutral beam injectors (NBI), and these external sources of super-Alfv & eacute;nic deuterium fast-ions provide opportunities for studying a wide range of phenomena relevant to the physics of alpha-particles in burning plasmas. The MeV range D-D fusion product ions are also produced but are not confined. Simulations with the ASCOT code show that up to 20% of fast ions produced by NBI can be lost due to charge exchange (CX) with edge neutrals. Dedicated experiments employing low field side (LFS) gas fuelling show a significant drop in the measured neutron fluxes resulting from beam-plasma reactions, providing additional evidence of CX-induced fast-ion losses, similar to the ASCOT findings. Clear evidence of fast-ion redistribution and loss due to sawteeth (ST), fishbones (FB), long-lived modes (LLM), Toroidal Alfv & eacute;n Eigenmodes (TAE), Edge Localised Modes (ELM) and neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) has been found in measurements with a Neutron Camera (NCU), a scintillator-based Fast-Ion Loss Detector (FILD), a Solid-State Neutral Particle Analyser (SSNPA) and a Fast-Ion Deuterium-alpha (FIDA) spectrometer. Unprecedented FILD measurements in the range of 1-2 MHz indicate that fast-ion losses can be also induced by the beam ion cyclotron resonance interaction with compressional or global Alfv & eacute;n eigenmodes (CAEs or GAEs). These results show the wide variety of scenarios and the unique conditions in which fast ions can be studied in MAST-U, under conditions that are relevant for future devices like STEP or ITER.
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