In this article we present the concurrent object-oriented specification language COOPN/2 which extends the COOPN (Concurrent Object Oriented Petri Nets) formalism, destined to support the development of large heterogenous distributed systems. The development of distributed applications has recently been the subject of intensive research, due to potential benefits that can be expected to offer in increasing reliability and overall performance of computer processing. One way of improving the effectiveness of the distributed system construction is to adopt a rigorous approach for system development, based on structuring principles. The COOPN/2 approach proposes a specification language, based on the object-oriented paradigm, which includes a fine description of true concurrent behaviors. This hybrid approach (model and property-oriented) allows for a description of the concurrent aspects through the use of a high-level Petri nets formalism which includes data structures expressed with the algebraic abstract data types and a synchronization mechanism for building hierarchies of abstraction. This latter notion is the concept which is used in structuring applications. Interesting properties of COOPN, such as the progressive refinement of specifications, allow for the building of systems in an incremental manner.In this article, we introduce COOPN/2 informally, by means of a typical example of distributed systems, the transit node, in order to introduce each useful and innovative mechanism of the language. Then, in the context of distributed software engineering with COOPN/2, we present our current works done in order to provide formal methods for several steps of a life cycle model test, prototyping, analysis,....). Keywords: software engineering, formal specification language, refinement, prototyping, distributed systems, object orientation, concurrency, Petri nets, algebraic specification.
George Candea, Solal Vincenzo Pirelli