Coefficient de transfert thermiqueLe coefficient de transfert thermique ou coefficient de transmission thermique est un coefficient quantifiant le flux d'énergie traversant un milieu, par unité de surface, de volume ou de longueur. L'inverse du coefficient de transfert thermique est la résistance thermique. C'est un terme important dans l'équation d'un transfert thermique et permet d'indiquer la facilité avec laquelle l'énergie thermique passe un obstacle ou un milieu. Dans le cas d'un transfert surfacique, il est appelé coefficient de transfert thermique surfacique ou résistance thermique d'interface.
Loi de refroidissement de Newtonvignette|250px|Graphe de refroidissement (). La loi de refroidissement de Newton, formulée par Isaac Newton, énonce que le taux de perte de chaleur d'un corps est proportionnel à la différence de température entre le corps et le milieu environnant. Cette formulation n'est pas très précise et présuppose un milieu et un corps homogènes ainsi qu'un milieu à température constante. On peut dériver cette loi d'après une décroissance exponentielle. Si est la température du corps, elle vérifie l'équation différentielle : avec une constante positive dépendante du milieu environnant.
Console numériqueDans l'audio professionnel, une console de mixage numérique permet de traiter des échantillons numériques audio, contrairement à une console analogique, laquelle traite directement le signal. Les services de recherche de la BBC associés au fabricant de consoles Neve produisent une des premières consoles numérique. Ce prototype donnera naissance à la « Capricorn » commercialisée par Neve. Si pour une console analogique le nombre d'entrées induit le nombre de voies de la console, pour une console numérique, de nouvelles notions apparaissent.
Process engineeringProcess engineering is the understanding and application of the fundamental principles and laws of nature that allow humans to transform raw material and energy into products that are useful to society, at an industrial level. By taking advantage of the driving forces of nature such as pressure, temperature and concentration gradients, as well as the law of conservation of mass, process engineers can develop methods to synthesize and purify large quantities of desired chemical products.
Live sound mixingLive sound mixing is the blending of multiple sound sources by an audio engineer using a mixing console or software. Sounds that are mixed include those from instruments and voices which are picked up by microphones (for drum kit, lead vocals and acoustic instruments like piano or saxophone and pickups for instruments such as electric bass) and pre-recorded material, such as songs on CD or a digital audio player. Individual sources are typically equalised to adjust the bass and treble response and routed to effect processors to ultimately be amplified and reproduced via a loudspeaker system.
Chemical process modelingChemical process modeling is a computer modeling technique used in chemical engineering process design. It typically involves using purpose-built software to define a system of interconnected components, which are then solved so that the steady-state or dynamic behavior of the system can be predicted. The system components and connections are represented as a process flow diagram. Simulations can be as simple as the mixing of two substances in a tank, or as complex as an entire alumina refinery.
Mixing (process engineering)In industrial process engineering, mixing is a unit operation that involves manipulation of a heterogeneous physical system with the intent to make it more homogeneous. Familiar examples include pumping of the water in a swimming pool to homogenize the water temperature, and the stirring of pancake batter to eliminate lumps (deagglomeration). Mixing is performed to allow heat and/or mass transfer to occur between one or more streams, components or phases. Modern industrial processing almost always involves some form of mixing.
Mechanical equivalent of heatIn the history of science, the mechanical equivalent of heat states that motion and heat are mutually interchangeable and that in every case, a given amount of work would generate the same amount of heat, provided the work done is totally converted to heat energy. The mechanical equivalent of heat was a concept that had an important part in the development and acceptance of the conservation of energy and the establishment of the science of thermodynamics in the 19th century.