Packaging is the last process of microsystem manufacturing. There are mainly two kinds of packages: plastic or metallic. The two main components of the package (base and cover) may either be glued or soldered. Each of these techniques has its advantages and drawbacks, and the choice should be driven by the functionality of the microsystem. The advantage of gluing is that it is quite an easy production process. The drawback is that glue, like all polymers, is not hermetic on the long term. This is a problem when the package should protect the microsystem from oxygen or water vapour, an example being OLED displays (Organic Light Emitting Diodes). The advantage of soldered metallic packages is that they are hermetic. The drawback is that the welding process takes place in an oven, and that the whole microsytem is heated to the fusion temperature of the joint. This is a problem for many microsystems, typically biomedical MEMS and OLEDS again. The LPM-EPFL is working on the development of a two-part sealed packaging. One part of the package is metallic, the other part is made of glass. The goal of the project is to soft solder the two parts of the package by the mean of a laser diode. The advantages of the laser soft soldered joint are : –its water and air-tightness in regard to glue or a plastic joint, –the possibility to heat only the solder joint, and not inside the package.
Stéphanie Lacour, Giuseppe Schiavone, Florian Dylan Fallegger