We present a miniaturized impedance imaging system, developed for 2D imaging of cell and tissue culture. The system is based on 16 microelectrodes (5 µm × 4 mm). An equivalent circuit for four-point (tetrapolar) impedance spectra was developed and validated. The system uses an Agilent 4294A impedance analyser combined with a front-end amplifier for the impedance measurements. Human epithelial stem cells (YF 29) were grown on the device surface. Cell migration speeds of 300 nm min–1 following a scratch wound closure assay could be established. Using a commercial software developed for geophysical prospecting, we could generate impedance tomography images at 10 kHz revealing cell migration, increase of epithelial thickness and changes in tissue resistivity over a time course of several days.
German Augusto Ramirez Arroyave