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Integrated optical devices can be fabricated by the deposition of an electrode/piezoelectric/electrode multilayer thin film structure onto optical fibers, The particular structure used in this work is Au/PbTiO3/Pt/Ti, where the PbTiO3 is deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at high temperature to obtain in situ crystallised perovskite structure. Preliminary studies showed that the deposition temperature and the relative fluences of the Pb and Ti species are determining parameters for the growth of phase pure perovskite PbTiO3. This study shows the effect of both parameters on the resulting film. The occurrence of a self-stabilising region for the growth of pure perovskite phase PbTiO3 has been observed. The maximal achievable dielectric constant depends on the relative Pb flux used. It increases with increasing PbO to TiO2 fluxes ratio. X-ray, microstructure, conductivity results and optical response of the devices are also briefly presented. An optical phase shift of 0.4 mrad/V has been measured for low frequency electrical excitation.