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Pb1-xCaxTiO3 thin films with x = 0-0.3 for pyroelectric applications were deposited on platinized silicon wafers by chemical solution processing. Ca-substitution for Pb in PbTio(3) results in a reduced cia ratio of the unit cell, which, in turn, leads to better pyroelectric properties. Control of nucleation and growth during rapid thermal annealing to 650 degrees C allowed the formation of either highly porous or dense (111) oriented films. The inclusion of pores creates a matrix-void composite with the low permittivity desired for pyroelectric applications, resulting in a high figure of merit. The growth mechanisms for the microstructural evolution of both dense and porous films were analyzed by x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and allowed establishment of microstructure/property relationships.
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Duncan Alexander, Chih-Ying Hsu, Bernat Mundet, Jean-Marc Triscone