The walking process is interpreted as a sequence of decisions about where to put the next step. A dynamic and individual-based spatial discretization is used to represent the physical space. A behavioral framework for pedestrian dynamics based on discrete choice models is given. Direction change behaviors and acceleration behaviors are taken into account, both in a constrained and unconstrained formulation. The unconstrained direction changes (keep direction, toward destination) and acceleration (free fl ow acceleration) behaviors are the same as those introduced in our previous work. In this paper we focus on the defi nition of the constrained counterparts. A leader follower behavior is interpreted as a constrained acceleration while collision avoidance behavior as a constrained direction change. The spatial correlation structure in the choice set deriving from a simultaneous choice of speed regimes and radial directions is taken into account specifying a cross nested logit model (CNL). Quantitative results are presented, obtained by maximum likelihood estimation on a real data set with more than 10 thousands observed positions, manually tracked from video sequences.
Dimitrios Lignos, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Elkady