Cécile HébertCécile Hébert est née en France, en 1970. Elle a obtenu son diplôme d'ingénieure (option physique) puis son doctorat ("Etude d'un nouveau filtre d'énergie des électrons pour le microscope électronique à transmission") à l'Ecole centrale de Paris. Doctorante dans le laboratoire du professeur Jouffrey, elle a créé un nouveau filtre d'énergie des électrons, pour le microscope électronique à transmission, qui a été breveté par le CNRS.
En tant que post-doctorante dans le laboratoire du professeur Schattschneider, elle a mené à bien une étude marquante sur la simulation des structures fines des seuils de perte d'énergie des électrons en comparaison avec l'expérience. En 2005, elle a été l'une des actrices principales dans l'élaboration du projet européen CHIRALTEM visant à développer dans le microscope électronique à transmission une méthode similaire à la méthode XMCD (X Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism) connue en spectrométrie d'absorption des rayons X.
Henning Paul-Julius StahlbergPositions:
Since 2020 Prof. Physics, IPHYS, SB, EPFL, Switzerland 2009 – 2021 Prof. Structural Biology, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland
2009 – 2010 Adj. Assoc. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
2007 – 2009 Assoc. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
2003 – 2007 Assist. Prof. Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis, CA, USA
Education: 2002 Habilitation, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland 1997 – 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow, Biozentrum, University Basel, Switzerland 1992 – 1997 PhD Student, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 1990 – 1991 Diploma Thesis in Solid State Physics, TU Berlin, Germany 1987 – 1993 Study of Physics, TU Berlin, Germany Selected Awards & Honors: 2009 W.M.Keck Award 2004 CAREER award, NSF, USA 2002 Habilitation, University Basel, Switzerland Selected Memberships: 2008 – 2013 Chancellor’s Fellow Award, UC Davis, CA, USA 2004 – 2009 Faculty of 1000 Since 1992 Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)
Philippe BuffatBorn in Lausanne (Switzerland) in 1942. EPUL physics engineer diploma in 1967 and EPFL PhD in physics in 1976. From 1966 he studies at the Experimental Physics Laboratory (Prof. J.P. Borel) the physical properties peculiar to the very small size metal crystals and gets a PhD degree for his thesis "Abaissement de la température de fusion de petits cristaux d'or par effet de taille thermodynamique" (Lowering of the melting temperature of small gold crystals by thermodynamic size effect). In 1971, he starts to develop an electron microscopy facility available to all EPFL students and researchers (nowadays Centre Interdisciplinaire de Microscopie Electronique CIME) that he manages till 2007. In parallel he teaches the principles of electron microscopy and the Experimental methods of physics at the Physics/Basic Sciences School (SB). In addition, he trains a large part of the facility users. Honorary professor BS/EPFL he carries-out a free-lance research at CIME and in collaboration with the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICRAS, Moscow) and the International Centre of Electron Microscopy for Material Science (IC-EM AGH Krakow) This activity covers all the techniques related to transmission and scanning electron microscopy applied to materials science and solid-state physics. His interest is directed towards the structure of nanocrystals, their size effects and behavior under strong electron irradiation, the phase transitions in perovskites, the characterization of nanophases, multilayer and interface structures of crystalline materials and bioceramics. More recently a large research part has moved to understanding/pointing-out the adequacy between the limits of the instruments and their interpretation means in regard of their use in a multiusers facility with a large turnover and a wide range of materials/structures. He is past-president (2006-2007) of the Société Française des Microscopies (Sfµ), honorary member of the Sfµ and of the Swiss Society of Optics and Microscopy (SSOM).
Aleksandra RadenovicFrom April 2021 Full Professor 2015 -2021 Associate Professor2008-2015 Tenure-Track Assistant Professor2004-2007 Postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley in the group of Prof.Liphardt2003 PhD student of Prof. Dietler in Laboratory of Physics of Living Matter, University of Lausanne 1999 Diploma thesis on the subject of the Raman spectroscopy of beta carotene1994-1999 Physics department at the University of Zagreb1994 baccalaureate, Classical gymnasium
Graham KnottGraham Knott received his degree in physiology from the University of Southampton, UK, in 1990, and his PhD in neuroscience from the University of Tasmania, Australia, in 1995. He moved to the University of Lausanne in Switzerland in 1999 where he researched the plasticity of neuronal connectivity in the adult brain, developing correlative light and electron microscopy methods for the analysis of in vivo imaged neurons. In 2006 Graham joined the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, establishing the Bio Electron Microscopy Facility and has continued his research interests in brain plasticity and 3D electron microscopy.
Nico de RooijNico de Rooij is Professor Emeritus of EPFL and previous Vice-President of CSEM SA. He was Professor of Microengineering at EPFL and Head of the Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (
) from 2009 to 2016. At
he was responsible for the EPFL CSEM coordination from 2012 to 2016. His research activities include the design, micro fabrication and application of miniaturized silicon based sensors, actuators, and microsystems. He authored and coauthored over 400 published
journal papers
in these areas.
He was Professor at the University of Neuchatel and Head of the Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Laboratory (SAMLAB) from 1982 to 2008. Since October 1990 till October 1996 and again from October 2002 until June 2008, he has been the director of the Institute of Microtechnology of the University of Neuchatel (IMT UniNE). He lectured at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), and since 1989, he has been a part-time professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). He has been appointed Vice-President of the CSEM SA in February 2008 and headed the newly created Microsystems Technology Division of CSEM SA, from 2008 until 2012. He was Director of EPFL's Institute of Microengineering (EPFL STI IMT) from 2009 to 2012, following the transfer of IMT Uni-NE to EPFL.
Dr. de Rooij is a Fellow of the IEEE and Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). He recieved the IEEE
Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Gold Medal
, the Schlumberger Prize as well as the
MNE Fellow Award 2016
. He was awarded a Visiting Investigatorship Program (VIP) in MEMS/NEMS Systems by the
A*STAR Science and Engineering Council (SERC)
, Singapore, hosted by
, for the period 2005-2008.
Prof. de Rooij is Corresponding Member of the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
and Individual Member of the
Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
He has been serving on the Editorial Boards of the
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE JMEMS)
the IEEE proceedings
the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, JM & M,
the Sensors and Actuators
Sensors and Materials
. He was Member of the Information and Communication technology jury of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards from 2009 to 2012.
Dr. de Rooij is (or was) Member of numerous international steering committees of conference series as well as
technical paper review panels including the steering committee of the International Conference on Solid-State
Sensors and Actuators and of Eurosensors. He acted as European Program Chairman of Transducers '87 and General Chairman of Transducers '89, Montreux, Switzerland.
He has supervised more than 70 Ph.D. students, who have successfully completed their
Ph.D. thesis.
He received his M.Sc. degree in physical chemistry from the State University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, in 1975, and a Ph.D. degree from Twente University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1978. From 1978 to 1982, he worked at the Research and Development Department of Cordis Europa N.V., The Netherlands.
Hubert GiraultEducation: 1979 - Engineering diploma from Grenoble Institute of Technology. FRANCE. 1982 - PhD- Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton. Thesis entitled : Interfacial studies using drop image processing techniques. Positions : 1982 - 1984 SERC Research Fellow. University of Southampton. 1984 - 1985 CNRS Research Fellow. University of Southampton. 1985 - 1992 Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, University of Edinburgh. 1992 - Professor of Physical Chemistry, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. 2011 - 2014 Dean of Bachelor and Master studies Hubert Girault is the author of 2 textbooks, the co-author of about 600 scientific publications with more than 20'000 citations and the co-inventor of more than 15 patents. During his academic career, he has supervised 70 PhD students. 30 alumni of his laboratory are now Professors. Honours: Faraday medal 2006, Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2007, Reilley Award 2015. Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (USA), Shikata International medal, Polarography Society of Japan. Associate editor of Chemical Science
Francesco StellacciFrancesco Stellacci graduated in Materials Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1998 with a thesis on photochromic polymers with Prof. Giuseppe Zerbi and Mariacarla Gallazzi. In 1999 he moved to the Chemistry Department of the University of Arizona for as a post-doc in the group of Joe Perry in close collaboration with the group of Seth Marder. In 2002 he moved to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an assistant professor. He was then promoted to associate without (2006) and with tenure (2009). In 2010 he moved to the Institute of Materials at EPFL as a full Professor. He holds the Alcan EP Chair. Francesco was one of the recipients of the Technology Review TR35 "35 Innovator under 35" award in 2005, and the Popular Science Magazine "Brilliant 10" award in 2007. He has been a Packard Fellow starting 2005.
Marco Cantoni1982-1988, Diploma course in Experimental Physics (certificate, 28.10.88)ETHZ Faculty IX MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS, Diploma Thesis: "Abweichungen von der ikosaedrischen Symmetrie in Al-Cu-Li Quasikristallen", Advisor: Prof. H.-U. Nissen 1989-1993, Ph.D. in Experimental Physics (certificate, 23.8.94) ETHZ Physics Department, Laboratory of Solid State Physics, Ph. D. Thesis No. 10421, Title: "Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Realkristallstruktur epitaktischer Schichten von Supraleitern des Typs SEBa2Cu3O7-x auf (100)-SrTiO3" Advisors: Prof. H.R. Ott, Prof. H. U. Nissen. 1994-1996,ETH Zürich,Material Science Department, Non-Metallic Materials, Prof. L. Gauckler: Microstructure characterisation of high-tech ceramic materials by means of SEM, TEM and atomic force microscopy: superconductor thick films (Bi-2212 on Ag) and solid oxide fuel cells (ZrO2, CeO2). 1996-1998, National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials NIRIM, Japan Group for Special Research, Prof. S. Horiuchi: TEM of Bi-2223/Ag Tapes, Application of Imaging Plates (IP) in High Voltage TEM, Cryo-Lorentz-TEM of Superconducting Materials (Observation of Flux-Lines) 1998-2000, Ecole polytechnique fédéral de Lausanne, EPFL-CIME Centre interdépartemental de microscopie électronique CIME, Prof. P.A. Buffat: Projet 125, PPO II (programme prioritaire optique): Characterization of materials and devices for optic and optoelectronic applications by electron microscopy. 2001-2003, Ecole polytechnique fédéral de Lausanne, EPFL STI IMX LCCeramics Laboratory, Prof. Nava Setter Characterisation of ferroelectric materials, transmission electron microscopy of relaxor ferroelectric materials 2004, University of Geneva, Physics Department, Condensed matter Physics Group of Prof. R. Flükiger, TEM of Multifilament Nb3Sn superconducting wires, in collaboration with EPFL-CIME Since 1.11.04, EPFL-SB-CIME