MSE-101(a): Materials:from chemistry to propertiesCe cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
EE-552: Media securityThis course provides attendees with theoretical and practical issues in media security. In addition to lectures by the professor, the course includes laboratory sessions, a mini-project, and a mid-ter
ME-251: Thermodynamics and energetics IThe course introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, and thermodynamic properties of matter and their calculation. The students will master the concepts of heat, mass, and mom
MGT-493: Information security & digital trustTechnology and information play a crucial role in today's societies and economies. The security and privacy aspects of information technologies are paramount to build digital trust. In this course, we
COM-301: Computer security and privacyThis is an introductory course to computer security and privacy. Its goal is to provide students with means to reason about security and privacy problems, and provide them with tools to confront them.
COM-401: Cryptography and securityThis course introduces the basics of cryptography. We review several types of cryptographic primitives, when it is safe to use them and how to select the appropriate security parameters. We detail how
CS-412: Software securityThis course focuses on software security fundamentals, secure coding guidelines and principles, and advanced software security concepts. Students learn to assess and understand threats, learn how to d