Vincent KaufmannVincent Kaufmann is associate professor of urban sociology and mobility at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2011, he is also scientific director of the Mobile Lives Forum in Paris. After a master degree in sociology (Universtiy of Geneva) he did his Ph.D. at EPFL on rationalities underlying transport modal practices. Vincent Kaufmann has been invited lecturer at Lancaster University (2000-2001), Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (2001-2002), Laval University, Québec (2008) Nimegen University (2010), Université de Toulouse Le Mirail (2011), Université Catholique de Louvain (2004-2018) and Tongji University in Shanghai (2018). There fields of research are: motility, mobility and urban life styles, links between social and spatial mobility, public policies of land planning and transportation. He recently published “Mobilité et libre circulation en Europe” (with Ander Audikana) Economica (2017).
Vitor Pessoa ColomboVitor grew up in São Paulo (Brazil) and studied architecture in Switzerland (B.Sc. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, M.Sc. Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio). Since 2016, he has conducted research on urbanization processes in cities of the global South. He has focused his research on "citizen mapping" methods that provide spatial information useful to support the improvement of vulnerable human settlements in cities marked by socio-spatial segregation. Now he conducts a PhD project at EPFL's CEAT unit to investigate how different urban morphologies relate to the occurence of diarrhoeal diseases in the context of rapid and largely informal urbanization processes.