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DEMO: dolor ullamco quis
Eiusmod exercitation nostrud aliqua ea voluptate et aute nulla deserunt minim nisi fugiat eu. Commodo voluptate veniam veniam aliquip exercitation anim id fugiat pariatur tempor velit proident. Id ad excepteur et duis ipsum mollit exercitation irure eu amet veniam. Consectetur aliquip tempor aute fugiat. Minim proident laborum excepteur eu ea commodo nostrud officia.
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This lecture explores the concept of constructivism, focusing on Piaget's stages of cognitive development, the role of simulations in learning, and the importance of inquiry-based learning. It discusses the challenges and benefits of student-centered approaches and the need for external support in implementing constructivist practices.

Instructors (2)
voluptate commodo aute sint
In deserunt do do irure do commodo fugiat quis cupidatat est ut. Incididunt pariatur ullamco qui voluptate magna cillum. Lorem sunt laborum voluptate do ullamco irure qui incididunt dolore occaecat. Reprehenderit ea ut aliquip irure do velit et. Velit aute dolor nisi eu occaecat.
ipsum in tempor consectetur
Ea velit sit nostrud ad aliquip tempor. Velit eu nisi labore pariatur officia ipsum exercitation. Minim ea ex enim Lorem magna Lorem nostrud. Incididunt irure Lorem aliquip sunt fugiat qui sint est.
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Ontological neighbourhood
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