
Condensation Correlations

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DEMO: consectetur irure amet laborum
Laborum magna officia reprehenderit fugiat minim irure sit dolore deserunt eu amet incididunt. Ex laborum laborum minim laboris enim tempor. Irure sunt exercitation velit Lorem eiusmod enim consectetur nisi eu nisi nulla enim. Cupidatat id proident minim mollit dolor nulla.
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This lecture covers the principles of condensation, focusing on forced and natural convection, boiling, and condensation processes. It explains the factors influencing fluid motion, such as phase transition, surface tension, density difference, and latent heat. The lecture also delves into laminar film condensation on vertical plates, discussing mass conservation, momentum, and energy conservation. Correlations for calculating convection coefficients in different condensation scenarios are presented, including film condensation on radial systems. Various examples and calculations are provided to illustrate the application of these correlations.

consectetur occaecat quis exercitation
Ipsum eu ad reprehenderit velit commodo ut ad sint nisi est nisi deserunt esse. Duis eu ut non proident. Reprehenderit esse sint occaecat aliquip aliqua enim sit laboris officia magna commodo cillum. Proident minim proident nisi mollit veniam labore qui ea aliquip ullamco adipisicing.
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