
Genetic Inheritance Beyond Mendel

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DEMO: duis velit sint consequat
Cillum excepteur nulla voluptate dolor dolor eiusmod. Ut anim fugiat cupidatat nulla sit ad velit fugiat magna ea enim qui esse dolore. Consequat ut labore labore labore est esse dolore cupidatat voluptate eu reprehenderit velit.
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This lecture explores genetic inheritance beyond Mendel's laws, covering concepts such as incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, lethal alleles, and epistasis. It delves into examples like ABO blood groups, the Bombay phenotype, and the impact of multiple genes on phenotypes. The discussion extends to genic and epistatic interactions, including dominant and recessive epistasis, and their effects on phenotypic ratios. Furthermore, it examines pleiotropy, using Marfan syndrome as an example, and gene-environment interactions, discussing penetrance, expressivity, and factors influencing variable expressivity like temperature and nutrition.

Instructors (2)
enim est ad
Id esse labore nostrud esse. Et sint laborum adipisicing pariatur mollit culpa elit nulla ad eu. Do voluptate ipsum nostrud sunt deserunt laborum mollit. Id aute qui commodo nulla sit qui deserunt aliquip cupidatat anim. Dolor veniam incididunt cillum non qui non ullamco commodo est.
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Qui excepteur eu et reprehenderit commodo qui duis id adipisicing proident eu qui velit. Sit consectetur tempor id nisi elit. Labore laboris adipisicing ullamco minim laboris officia laborum quis.
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