
Neocortical Neuron Classification

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DEMO: mollit cillum occaecat
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This lecture covers the detailed morphology and ion channels of neocortical neurons, focusing on ion channel kinetics, neuron classification, and the Petilla terminology. It discusses the challenges in obtaining data for modeling individual cells versus classes and the importance of multimodal datasets. The lecture also delves into the localization and maximum conductances of ion channels, as well as the challenges in fitting somatic and dendritic behaviors. It concludes with a discussion on the degeneracy of found solutions and the integration of data from literature and web resources.

Instructors (2)
incididunt esse
Sint mollit consequat ut excepteur. Laboris voluptate qui qui consequat cupidatat elit duis eiusmod ullamco cillum velit labore aute. Sunt aliquip duis eiusmod ipsum velit commodo nostrud qui. Irure et sunt irure fugiat.
nostrud qui irure est
Voluptate enim dolore irure exercitation. Cupidatat pariatur sit fugiat pariatur minim irure. Nulla proident excepteur incididunt consectetur.
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