
Dynamic Systems: Control and Modeling

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This lecture covers the control and modeling of dynamic systems, focusing on concepts such as open loop and closed loop control, regulators, and signals. Through examples like an electric motor and irrigation systems, the instructor explains how regulators measure and act based on system parameters. The lecture also delves into anti-seismic structures, emphasizing the importance of controlling dynamic forces. State representation and common points in dynamic systems are discussed, highlighting the significance of variables that change over time. The presentation concludes with a detailed exploration of mechanisms in systems, including the role of electric motors and shifting mechanisms.

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Aliqua veniam deserunt adipisicing deserunt excepteur consequat esse sit qui occaecat. Proident aliqua cupidatat magna anim sint labore nisi consectetur pariatur sit minim sunt. Ut esse tempor exercitation ad nulla fugiat. Occaecat do irure cupidatat irure duis tempor amet laboris. Do in duis tempor cillum commodo labore ea cillum sint excepteur.
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