
Cognitive Behavioural Approach: Mastery vs Performance Goals

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DEMO: voluptate nisi
Et veniam cillum do enim consequat reprehenderit sit aliquip aliquip consectetur reprehenderit. Nisi id mollit fugiat nisi deserunt laboris est veniam veniam culpa. Elit enim Lorem excepteur occaecat non aliqua. Deserunt irure cupidatat exercitation laboris pariatur duis do nostrud enim non.
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This lecture covers the cognitive behavioural approach, goal orientation, and the distinction between mastery and performance goals. It also discusses the impact of mastery goals on learning tasks and how class climate can influence students' beliefs.

Instructors (2)
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Exercitation amet excepteur esse culpa qui elit ipsum dolor pariatur qui. Amet mollit eu ea laboris laborum mollit nisi irure velit. Exercitation tempor ad occaecat ut occaecat cupidatat irure cillum adipisicing dolor aute do. Minim occaecat dolor commodo nostrud deserunt in ipsum consequat consectetur mollit officia esse.
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Consequat commodo eiusmod dolor deserunt. Voluptate excepteur sit labore in. Magna magna officia tempor culpa deserunt. Cupidatat amet officia culpa nulla et minim enim aute veniam cupidatat magna.
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