
Lars Schneidenbach

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Related publications (2)

Please note that this is not a complete list of this person’s publications. It includes only semantically relevant works. For a full list, please refer to Infoscience.

Key/Value-enabled Flash Memory for Complex Scientific Workflows with On-line Analysis and Visualization

Stefan Eilemann, Alessandro Curioni, Peter Morjan, Blake Fitch, Bernard Metzler, Lars Schneidenbach, Ralph Bellofatto, Peter Kaltstein

Scientific workflows are often composed of compute-intensive simulations and data-intensive analysis and visualization, both equally important for productivity. High-performance computers run the compute-intensive phases efficiently, but data-intensive pro ...

Rebasing I/O for Scientific Computing: Leveraging Storage Class Memory in an IBM BlueGene/Q Supercomputer

Felix Schürmann, Pramod Shivaji Kumbhar, Miguel Angel Gila Arrondo, Davide Tacchella, Alessandro Curioni, Fabien Jonathan Delalondre, John Anthony Biddiscombe, Peter Morjan, Blake Fitch, Bernard Metzler, Lars Schneidenbach, Robert Germain

Storage class memory is receiving increasing attention for use in HPC systems for the acceleration of intensive IO operations. We report a particular instance using SLC FLASH memory integrated with an IBM BlueGene/Q supercomputer at scale (Blue Gene Active ...