We have searched for the lepton-flavor-violating decays τ- decays into ℓ-KS 0 and ℓ-KS 0KS 0 (ℓ=e or μ), using a data sample of 671 fb-1 collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider. No evidence for a signal was found in any of the decay modes, and we set the following upper limits for the branching fractions: B(τ-→e-KS 0)
Clement Helsens, Donal Patrick Hill, Marie Hartmann
Olivier Schneider, Yiming Li, Mingkui Wang, Chao Wang, Tagir Aushev, Sun Hee Kim, Tara Nanut, Jun Yong Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Donghyun Kim, Xiao Wang, Lei Li