Among the century’s main challenges, climate change and the need for energy sources diversification are of great importance. In this context, renewable energies undoubtedly have an important role to play. Photovoltaic (PV) electricity is especially well suited to face these energy challenges. It is now established that the low thin film photovoltaic panels production costs will allow, even in continental climate, to reach low electricity cost, providing easy installation, public acceptance and high reliability. However, architectural considerations are often neglected in the current integration of PV panels. Taking into consideration specific architectural aspects like the surface appearance and the colour of the PV modules can become the key for the successful development of new, well integrated solar systems. To achieve this goal, our team, within the Archinsolar [1] project framework, works on the development of new generation of photovoltaic elements based on silicon thin films technologies (amorphous and micromoph). These new elements will be ultra-reliable and manufacturable at a very low cost, allowing a good architectural integration, respectful of the environment, landscape and built environment.
Christophe Ballif, Alessandro Francesco Aldo Virtuani, Hugo James André Quest