We examine the cosmological information available from the 1-point probability density function (PDF) of the weak-lensing convergence field, utilizing fast L-PICOLA simulations and a Fisher analysis. We find competitive constraints in the Omega(m)-sigma(8) plane from the convergence PDF with 188 arcmin(2) pixels compared to the cosmic shear power spectrum with an equivalent number of modes (l < 886). The convergence PDF also partially breaks the degeneracy cosmic shear exhibits in that parameter space. A joint analysis of the convergence PDF and shear 2-point function also reduces the impact of shape measurement systematics, to which the PDF is less susceptible, and improves the total figure of merit by a factor of 2-3, depending on the level of systematics. Finally, we present a correction factor necessary for calculating the unbiased Fisher information from finite differences using a limited number of cosmological simulations.
Frédéric Courbin, Georges Meylan, Gianluca Castignani, Maurizio Martinelli, Malte Tewes, Slobodan Ilic, Alessandro Pezzotta, Yi Wang, Richard Massey, Fabio Finelli, Marcello Farina
Frédéric Courbin, Gianluca Castignani, Jean-Luc Starck, Austin Chandler Peel, Maurizio Martinelli, Yi Wang, Richard Massey, Fabio Finelli, Marcello Farina
David Richard Harvey, Mathilde Jauzac