
Generic Round-Function-Recovery Attacks for Feistel Networks over Small Domains

Serge Vaudenay, Fatma Betül Durak
Conference paper

Feistel Networks (FN) are now being used massively to encrypt credit card numbers through format-preserving encryption. In our work, we focus on FN with two branches, entirely unknown round functions, modular additions (or other group operations), and when the domain size of a branch (called NN) is small. We investigate round-function-recovery attacks. The best known attack so far is an improvement of Meet-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack by Isobe and Shibutani from ASIACRYPT~2013 with optimal data complexity q=rN2q=r \frac{N}{2} and time complexity Nr42N+o(N)N^{ \frac{r-4}{2}N + o(N)}, where rr is the round number in FN. We construct an algorithm with a surprisingly better complexity when rr is too low, based on partial exhaustive search. When the data complexity varies from the optimal to the one of a codebook attack q=N2q=N^2, our time complexity can reach NO(N11r2)N^{O \left( N^{1-\frac{1}{r-2}} \right) }. It crosses the complexity of the improved MITM for qNe3r2r3q\sim N\frac{\mathrm{e}^3}{r}2^{r-3}. We also estimate the lowest secure number of rounds depending on NN and the security goal. We show that the format-preserving-encryption schemes FF1 and FF3 standardized by NIST and ANSI cannot offer 128-bit security (as they are supposed to) for N11N\leq11 and N17N\leq17, respectively (the NIST standard only requires N10N \geq 10), and we improve the results by Durak and Vaudenay from CRYPTO~2017.

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