The creation of social innovation labs, living labs, hackerspaces, makerspaces, fablabs and innovation parks indicates local, national, and international dynamics. China is unique in the rapid transformation of the maker movement, where the bottom-up initiatives that share knowledge and promote innovation meet the top-down approach, i.e. the governmental policies on mass innovation and entrepreneurship supporting this “new driving force”. The maker movement has evolved in multiple ways that characterize a change in thinking, hands-on approach to creation and production, and economic diversification. Events are organized, places defined, and spaces created to share, show, learn and develop ideas, projects and produce prototypes. The complex networks of people, communities, and cities reflect the dynamics between state and society. In addition to understanding diverse initiatives, it is important to learn the position of the Chinese State and of different actors such as planners, economists, entrepreneurs, teachers and scholars on the creation, development or closing of innovation spaces. Certain aspects of the Chinese innovation ecosystems are attractive globally for governments and communities. Ties are therefore growing and projects are being launched through local and international members of these communities. The communities and initiatives of makers in Shanghai and Shenzhen have a global outreach. Making, hacking, and DIY initiatives facilitate international exchanges between countries through the interests of makers, makers pro and entrepreneurs. China has become the “World’s Innovation Role Model” and an important hub for the global maker movement.
Jérôme Chenal, Vitor Pessoa Colombo, Akuto Akpedze Konou, Jürg Utzinger, Julia Tischler