This paper demonstrates and experimentally reports the highest ever performance boosting in strained silicon-nanowire homojunction TFETs with negative capacitance, provided by matched PZT capacitors. Outstanding enhancements of I on , g m , and overdrive are analyzed and explained by most effective reduction of body factor, m V T , which greatly amplify the control on the surface potential TFET, which dictates a highly non-linear BTBT regime. We achieve a full non-hysteretic negative-capacitance switch configuration, suitable for logic applications, and report non-current increase by a factor of 500x, voltage overdrive of IV, transconductance increase of up to 5× 10 3 x, and subthreshold swing improvement.
Mihai Adrian Ionescu, Igor Stolichnov, Ali Saeidi, Teodor Rosca, Sadegh Kamaei Bahmaei, Eamon Patrick O'Connor, Matteo Cavalieri, Carlotta Gastaldi