Turbulence in tokamaks generates radially sheared zonal flows. Their oscillatory counterparts, geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs), appear due to the action of the magnetic field curvature. The GAMs can be driven unstable by an anisotropic energetic particle (EP) population leading to the formation of global radial structures, called energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic modes (EGAMs). The EGAMs can redistribute EP energy to the bulk plasma through collisionless wave-particle interaction. In such a way, the EGAMs might contribute to the plasma heating. Thus, investigation of EGAM properties, especially in the velocity space, is necessary for precise understanding of the transport phenomena in tokamak plasmas. In this work, the nonlinear dynamics of EGAMs without considering the mode interaction with the turbulence is investigated with the help of a Mode-Particle-Resonance (MPR) diagnostic implemented in the global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code ORB5. An ASDEX Upgrade discharge is chosen as a reference case for this investigation due to its rich EP nonlinear dynamics. An experimentally relevant magnetic field configuration, thermal species profiles, and an EP density profile are taken for EGAM chirping modeling and its comparison with available empirical data. The same magnetic configuration is used to explore energy transfer by the mode from the energetic particles to the thermal plasma including kinetic electron effects. For a given EGAM level, the plasma heating by the mode can be significantly enhanced by varying the EP parameters. Electron dynamics decreases the EGAM saturation amplitude and consequently reduces the plasma heating, even though the mode transfers its energy to thermal ions much more than to electrons.
Laurent Villard, Alberto Bottino, Xiao Wang
Olivier Sauter, Alessandro Pau, Xiaojuan Liu, Chenguang Wan