Dielectric metasurfaces have shown prominent applications in nonlinear optics due to strong field enhancement and low dissipation losses at the nanoscale. Chalcogenide glasses are one of the promising materials for the observation of nonlinear effects thanks to their high intrinsic nonlinearities. Here, we demonstrate, experimentally and theoretically, that significant second harmonic generation (SHG) can be obtained within amorphous Selenium (Se)-based chalcogenide metasurfaces by exploiting the coupling between lattice and particle resonances. We further show that the high-quality factor resonance at the origin of the SHG can be tuned over a wide wavelength range using a simple and versatile fabrication approach. The measured second harmonic intensity is orders of magnitude higher than that from a dewetted Se film consisting of random Se nanoparticles. The achieved conversion efficiency in the resonance region is of the order of 10−6 which is comparable with direct bandgap materials and at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of conventional plasmonics- and Si-based structures. Fabricated via a simple and scalable technique, these all-dielectric architectures are ideal candidates for the design of flat nonlinear optical components on flexible substrates.
Tobias Kippenberg, Mikhail Churaev