Understanding generation and mitigation of runaway electrons in disruptions is important for the safe operation of future tokamaks. In this paper we investigate the runaway dynamics in reactor-scale spherical tokamaks, focusing on a compact nominal design with a plasma current of 21 megaamperes (MA), 1.8 T magnetic field on axis and major radius of approximately 3 m. We study both the severity of runaway generation during unmitigated disruptions, and the effect that typical mitigation schemes based on massive material injection have on runaway production. The study is conducted using the numerical framework dream (Disruption Runaway Electron Analysis Model). We find that, in many cases, mitigation strategies are necessary to prevent the runaway current from reaching multi-MA levels. Our results indicate that, with a suitably chosen deuterium-neon mixture for mitigation, it is possible to achieve a tolerable runaway current and ohmic current evolution. However, this does not account for the runaway source due to wall activation, which has been found to severely limit successful mitigation at conventional aspect ratios, but whose definition requires a more complete wall specification. Furthermore, the majority of the thermal energy loss is found to happen through radial transport rather than radiation, which poses a risk of unacceptable localised heat loads.
Olivier Sauter, Alessandro Pau, Xiaojuan Liu, Chenguang Wan