The strong clinical demand for more accurate and personalized health monitoring technologies has called for the development of additively manufactured wearable devices. While the materials palette for additive manufacturing continues to expand, the integration of materials, designs and digital fabrication methods in a unified workflow remains challenging. In this work, a 3D printing platform is proposed for the integrated fabrication of silicone-based soft wearables with embedded piezoresistive sensors. Silicone-based inks containing cellulose nanocrystals and/or carbon black fillers were thoroughly designed and used for the direct ink writing of a shoe insole demonstrator with encapsulated sensors capable of measuring both normal and shear forces. By fine-tuning the material properties to the expected plantar pressures, the patient-customized shoe insole was fully 3D printed at room temperature to measure in-situ gait forces during physical activity. Moreover, the digitized approach allows for rapid adaptation of the sensor layout to meet specific user needs and thereby fabricate improved insoles in multiple quick iterations. The developed materials and workflow enable a new generation of fully 3D printed soft electronic devices for health monitoring.
Dominique Pioletti, Naser Nasrollahzadeh Mamaghani, Martin Broome