Out-of-equilibrium systems continuously generate entropy, with its rate of production being a fingerprint of nonequilibrium conditions. In small-scale dissipative systems subject to thermal noise, fluctuations of entropy production are significant. Hitherto, mean and variance have been abundantly studied, even if higher moments might be important to fully characterize the system of interest. Here, we introduce a graphical method to compute any moment of entropy production for a generic discrete-state system. Then, we focus on a paradigmatic model of active particles, i.e., run-and-tumble dynamics, which resembles the motion observed in several micro-organisms. Employing our framework, we compute the first three cumulants of the entropy production for a discrete version of this model. We also compare our analytical results with numerical simulations. We find that as the number of states increases, the distribution of entropy production deviates from a Gaussian. Finally, we extend our framework to a continuous state-space run-and-tumble model, using an appropriate scaling of the transition rates. The approach presented here might help uncover the features of nonequilibrium fluctuations of any current in biological systems operating out-of-equilibrium.
Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora, Sara Dal Cengio
Paolo De Los Rios, Daniel Maria Busiello, Shiling Liang