PremiseA novel protocol for rapid plant DNA extraction using microneedles is proposed, which supports botanic surveys, taxonomy, and systematics. This protocol can be conducted in the field with limited laboratory skills and equipment. The protocol is validated by sequencing and comparing the results with QIAGEN spin-column DNA extractions using BLAST analyses. Methods and ResultsTwo sets of DNA extractions were conducted on 13 species spanning various leaf anatomies and phylogenetic lineages: (i) fresh leaves were punched with custom polymeric microneedle patches to recover genomic DNA, or (ii) QIAGEN DNA extractions. Three plastid (matK, rbcL, and trnH-psbA) and one nuclear ribosomal (ITS) DNA regions were amplified and sequenced using Sanger or nanopore technology. The proposed method reduced the extraction time to 1 min and yielded the same DNA sequences as the QIAGEN extractions. ConclusionsOur drastically faster and simpler method is compatible with nanopore sequencing and is suitable for multiple applications, including high-throughput DNA-based species identifications and monitoring.
Martinus Gijs, Thomas Lehnert, Lin Sun
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