The associated peer reviewed article that will appear in the International Journal of STEM education : El-Hamamsy, L., Bruno, B., Audrin, C., Chevalier, M., Avry S., Dehler Zufferey, J., and Mondada, F. (2023). How are Primary School Computer Science Curricular Reforms Contributing to Equity? Impact on Student Learning, Perception of the Discipline, and Gender Gaps. arXiv, to appear in the International Journal of STEM Education. ** Dataset content : three excel files. We provide the detailed description of each of the files below. The original questions are available in the associated publication [1]. Please note that these datasets contain missing values due to students either not being present for all data collections or not having the associated teacher-related data.
Brice Tanguy Alphonse Lecampion, Carlo Peruzzo, Seyyedmaalek Momeni, Fatima-Ezzahra Moukhtari, Guanyi Lu
Catherine Dehollain, Naci Pekçokgüler
Andreas Mortensen, David Hernandez Escobar, Léa Deillon, Alejandra Inés Slagter, Eva Luisa Vogt, Jonathan Aristya Setyadji