This paper describes the first steps of an ongoing participatory design with teachers from Switzerland to co-create Human-Robot Interaction setups for integrating children with migration history. The herein presented phase had two main goals: (i) initially mapping the current issues and the teachers’ strategy when integrating these children, and (ii) understanding teachers’ perceptions regarding social robots for this goal. Results show that teachers we interviewed are already using technology to communicate with immigrant children, not necessarily for inclusion or promote socialisation with their peers, but simply to understand them. Findings also point to a well-defined application of social robots in inclusion activities, even when never seeing or using them, which contradicts previous results in the literature and which gives potential ways to unfold the next steps of the participatory design.
Pierre Dillenbourg, Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Chenyang Wang, Barbara Bruno, Melike Cezayirlioglu