Handwriting practising, as any other repetitive task, often leads the practiser to an overconcentration state where their performance might be affected by postural and mental fatigue. Short breaks to perform unrelated activities, especially relaxation exercises, have shown to be a simple alternative to soften or postpone this phenomenon. Therefore, in this paper we are investigating the immediate effects of different types of short-duration relaxation exercises in the handwriting and posture of children aged from 8 to 10 in handwriting training. We divided 40 children in two groups performing the sessions, guided by a social robot, with small exercises of mindfulness or stretching in the middle of their training. Additionally, we analysed participants’ perceptions towards the robot leading these interactions. Results showed improvements in participants’ handwriting quality and posture maintenance regardless of the condition. Additionally, more positive feedback about the pause was reported from individuals in the mindfulness condition.
Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Arzu Güneysu Özgür