An optimized plasma current ramp-down strategy is critical for safe and fast termination of plasma discharges in a tokamak demonstration fusion reactor (DEMO), both in planned and emergency scenarios, avoiding plasma disruptions and excessive heat loads to the first wall. Plasma stability limits and machine-specific technical requirements constrain the stable envelope through which the plasma must be navigated. Large amounts of auxiliary heating are required throughout the ramp-down phase, to avoid a radiative collapse in the presence of intrinsic tungsten and seeded xenon impurities, as quantitatively estimated in this work. As the plasma current is reduced, the current density becomes increasingly peaked, reflected by a growing value of the internal inductance li3 , resulting in reduced controllability of the vertical position of the plasma. The feasibility of different plasma current ramp-down rates is tested by applying an automated optimization framework embedding the RAPTOR core transport solver. Optimal time traces for plasma current Ip(t) and plasma elongation kappa(t) are proposed, to satisfy an Ip -dependent upper limit on the plasma internal inductance, as obtained from vertical stability studies using the CREATE-NL code, as well as a constraint on the time evolution of q 95, to avoid an ideal MHD mode. A negative current density near the plasma edge is observed in our simulations, even for the most conservative Ip ramp-down rate, indicating significant transient dynamics due to a large resistive time.
Olivier Sauter, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cassandre Ekta Contré, Anna Teplukhina, Simon Van Mulders, Bernhard Sieglin