In this study, MS2 bacteriophage was inactivated by homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-Fenton processes in an alkaline matrix (pH 8) using low concentrations of H2O2 and iron forms (1 mg/L), including Fe(II), Fe(III), and Fe (hydr)oxides. As a reference, it has been demonstrated that excellent efficiency towards MS2 inactivation was achieved within 2 min with Fe(II) and 10 min with Fe(III) in the homogeneous photo-Fenton process. Mined iron and five naturally occurring iron (hydr)oxides, including wustite, goethite, hematite, magnetite, and maghemite, were used to assess the virus removal in the heterogeneous photo-Fenton process. Total (5-logU) inactivation of the MS2 bacteriophage was observed within 15-40 min by iron (hydr)oxides in the presence of light and H2O2. Photosensitization of natural organic matter had a significant impact on virus inactivation in both homogeneous and heterogeneous photo-Fenton processes, but dually; it enhanced the formation of complexes between organic matter and iron species, facilitating the homogeneous process at alkaline pH, but hindering the heterogeneous photo-Fenton reaction. Nevertheless, the heterogeneous photo-Fenton process may serve as an efficient method for the inactivation of enteric viruses in water, even at a slightly basic pH, despite the scavenging action of natural organic matter. The low-concentration requirements of this process and the availability of iron oxides in nature contribute to the sustainability of the process, which can be suitable for use in resource-poor environments.
Kristin Schirmer, Florian Frédéric Vincent Breider, Benoît Jean Dominique Ferrari, Thibault Béranger Masset
César Pulgarin, Stefanos Giannakis, Jun Ma, Da Wang, Shuang Song
Andreas Mortensen, Goran Zagar, Léa Deillon, Marta Fornabaio, Lionel Michelet