The pre-thermal quench (pre-TQ) dynamics of a pure deuterium ( D 2 ) shattered pellet injection (SPI) into a 3 MA / 7 MJ JET H-mode plasma is studied via 3D non-linear MHD modelling with the JOREK code. The interpretative modelling captures the overall evolution of the measured density and radiated power. The simulations also identify the importance of the drifts of ablation plasmoids towards the tokamak low field side (LFS) and the impurities in the background plasma in fragment penetration, assimilation, radiative cooling and MHD activity in D 2 SPI experiments. It is found that plasmoid drifts lead to an about 70% reduction of the central line-integrated density (compared to a simulation without drifts) in the JET D 2 SPI discharge considered. Impurities that pre-exist before the SPI as well as those from possible impurity influxes related to the SPI are shown to dominate the radiation in the considered discharge. With inputs from JOREK simulations, modelling with the Lagrangian particle-based pellet code PELOTON reproduces the deviation of the SPI fragments in the direction of the major radius as observed by the fast camera. This confirms the role of rocket effects and plasmoid drifts in the considered discharge and reinforces the validity of the JOREK modelling. The limited core density rise due to plasmoid drifts and the strong radiative cooling and MHD activity with impurities (depending on their species and concentration) could limit the effectiveness of LFS D 2 SPI in runaway electron avoidance and are worth considering in the design of the ITER disruption mitigation system.
António João Caeiro Heitor Coelho