Electronic-hydraulic analogies are the representation of electronic circuits by hydraulic circuits. Since electric current is invisible and the processes in play in electronics are often difficult to demonstrate, the various electronic components are represented by hydraulic equivalents. Electricity (as well as heat) was originally understood to be a kind of fluid, and the names of certain electric quantities (such as current) are derived from hydraulic equivalents.
The electronic–hydraulic analogy (derisively referred to as the drain-pipe theory by Oliver Lodge) is the most widely used analogy for "electron fluid" in a metal conductor. As with all analogies, it demands an intuitive and competent understanding of the baseline paradigms (electronics and hydraulics), and in the case of the hydraulic analogy for electronics, students often have an inadequate knowledge of hydraulics.
There is no unique paradigm for establishing this analogy. Different paradigms have different strengths and weaknesses, depending on how and in what ways the intuitive understanding of the source of the analogy matches with phenomena in electronics. Two paradigms can be used to introduce the concept to students using pressure induced by gravity or by pumps.
In the version with pressure induced by gravity, large tanks of water are held up high, or are filled to differing water levels, and the potential energy of the water head is the pressure source. This is reminiscent of electrical diagrams with an up arrow pointing to +V, grounded pins that otherwise are not shown connecting to anything, and so on. This has the advantage of associating electric potential with gravitational potential.
A second paradigm is a completely enclosed version with pumps providing pressure only and no gravity. This is reminiscent of a circuit diagram with a voltage source shown and the wires actually completing a circuit. This paradigm is further discussed below.
Other paradigms highlight the similarities between equations governing the flow of fluid and the flow of charge.
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Introduction aux phénomènes propagatifs dans les circuits hydrauliques, calculs de coups de béliers, comportement transitoire d'aménagements hydroélectriques, simulation numériques 1D du comportement
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In physics, drift velocity is the average velocity attained by charged particles, such as electrons, in a material due to an electric field. In general, an electron in a conductor will propagate randomly at the Fermi velocity, resulting in an average velocity of zero. Applying an electric field adds to this random motion a small net flow in one direction; this is the drift. Drift velocity is proportional to current. In a resistive material, it is also proportional to the magnitude of an external electric field.
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Hydraulic short circuit (HSC), corresponding to the simultaneous operation of the pumps and turbines, enhances the power flexibility of a pumped storage power plant (PSPP). However, comprehensive analyses are imperative to guarantee a secure and reliable o ...
The present disclosure relates to a microfluidic device comprising: a substrate; a culture chamber (130); a loading channel (170) in fluid communication with the culture chamber; at least one auxiliar channel (170-1, 5 170-2) extending from and in fluid co ...
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