Fractal analysis is assessing fractal characteristics of data. It consists of several methods to assign a fractal dimension and other fractal characteristics to a dataset which may be a theoretical dataset, or a pattern or signal extracted from phenomena including topography, natural geometric objects, ecology and aquatic sciences, sound, market fluctuations, heart rates, frequency domain in electroencephalography signals, digital images, molecular motion, and data science. Fractal analysis is now widely used in all areas of science. An important limitation of fractal analysis is that arriving at an empirically determined fractal dimension does not necessarily prove that a pattern is fractal; rather, other essential characteristics have to be considered. Fractal analysis is valuable in expanding our knowledge of the structure and function of various systems, and as a potential tool to mathematically assess novel areas of study. Fractal calculus was formulated which is a generalization of ordinary calculus. Fractals have fractional dimensions, which are a measure of complexity that indicates the degree to which the objects fill the available space. The fractal dimension measures the change in "size" of a fractal set with the changing observational scale, and is not limited by integer values. This is possible given that a smaller section of the fractal resembles the entirety, showing the same statistical properties at different scales. This characteristic is termed scale invariance, and can be further categorized as self-similarity or self-affinity, the latter scaled anisotropically (depending on the direction). Whether the view of the fractal is expanding or contracting, the structure remains the same and appears equivalently complex. Fractal analysis uses these underlying properties to help in the understanding and characterization of complex systems. It is also possible to expand the use of fractals to the lack of a single characteristic time scale, or pattern.
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Box counting
Box counting is a method of gathering data for analyzing complex patterns by breaking a dataset, object, image, etc. into smaller and smaller pieces, typically "box"-shaped, and analyzing the pieces at each smaller scale. The essence of the process has been compared to zooming in or out using optical or computer based methods to examine how observations of detail change with scale. In box counting, however, rather than changing the magnification or resolution of a lens, the investigator changes the size of the element used to inspect the object or pattern (see Figure 1).
Fractal dimension
In mathematics, a fractal dimension is a term invoked in the science of geometry to provide a rational statistical index of complexity detail in a pattern. A fractal pattern changes with the scale at which it is measured. It is also a measure of the space-filling capacity of a pattern, and it tells how a fractal scales differently, in a fractal (non-integer) dimension. The main idea of "fractured" dimensions has a long history in mathematics, but the term itself was brought to the fore by Benoit Mandelbrot based on his 1967 paper on self-similarity in which he discussed fractional dimensions.
In mathematics, a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually having a fractal dimension strictly exceeding the topological dimension. Many fractals appear similar at various scales, as illustrated in successive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set. This exhibition of similar patterns at increasingly smaller scales is called self-similarity, also known as expanding symmetry or unfolding symmetry; if this replication is exactly the same at every scale, as in the Menger sponge, the shape is called affine self-similar.