Commodity chemicals (or bulk commodities or bulk chemicals) are a group of chemicals that are made on a very large scale to satisfy global markets. The average prices of commodity chemicals are regularly published in the chemical trade magazines and web sites such as Chemical Week and ICIS. There have been several studies of the scale and complexity of this market for example in the USA.
Commodity chemicals are a sub-sector of the chemical industry (other sub sectors are fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, inorganic chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy (e.g. biofuels) and materials (e.g. biopolymers)) Commodity chemicals are differentiated primarily by the bulk of their manufacture.
Chemical compounds are often classified into two classes, inorganic and organic.
aluminium sulfate
ammonium nitrate
ammonium sulfate
carbon black
diammonium phosphate
monoammonium phosphate
hydrochloric acid
hydrogen fluoride
hydrogen peroxide
nitric acid
phosphoric acid
sodium carbonate
sodium chlorate
sodium hydroxide
sodium silicate
sulfuric acid
titanium dioxide
Commonly traded commodity organic chemicals include:
acetic acid
acrylic acid
adipic acid
dioctyl phthalate
ethylene oxide
ethylene glycol
phthalic anhydride
polyvinyl chloride
polypropylene glycol
propylene oxide
terephthalic acid
toluene diisocyanate
vinyl chloride
Commodity chemicals are produced to supply diverse but usually well-defined industrial needs.
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The student will learn the important processes that control the transport and transformation of organic chemicals in the environment, as well as the formulation and solution of quantitative models to
The asymmetric synthesis of fine chemicals is a research topic of growing importance for the synthesis of modern materials, drugs and agrochemicals. In this lecture, the concepts of asymmetric catalys
This course introduces tools to design and evaluate sustainable routes for chemicals and materials manufacture. You will understand approaches to process design and optimization, from the molecular to
Teesside (ˈtiːsaɪd) is a built-up area around the River Tees in North East England, split between County Durham and North Yorkshire. The area contains the towns of Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees, Billingham, Redcar, Thornaby-on-Tees, and Ingleby Barwick. Teesside's economy was once dominated by heavy manufacturing until deindustrialisation in the latter half of the 20th Century, alongside chemical production which continues to contribute significantly to Teesside's economy.
Speciality chemicals (also called specialties or effect chemicals) are particular chemical products which provide a wide variety of effects on which many other industry sectors rely. Some of the categories of speciality chemicals are adhesives, agrichemicals, cleaning materials, colors, cosmetic additives, construction chemicals, elastomers, flavors, food additives, fragrances, industrial gases, lubricants, paints, polymers, surfactants, and textile auxiliaries.
In chemistry, fine chemicals are complex, single, pure chemical substances, produced in limited quantities in multipurpose plants by multistep batch chemical or biotechnological processes. They are described by exacting specifications, used for further processing within the chemical industry and sold for more than $10/kg (see the comparison of fine chemicals, commodities and specialties). The class of fine chemicals is subdivided either on the basis of the added value (building blocks, advanced intermediates or active ingredients), or the type of business transaction, namely standard or exclusive products.
The chemical complexity of lignin remains a major challengeforlignin valorization into commodity and fine chemicals. A knowledgeof the lignin features that favor its valorization and which plantsproduce such lignins can be used in plant selection or to eng ...
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Tire and road wear particles (TRWP) contain complex mixtures of chemicals and release them to the environment,and potential toxic effects of these chemicals still need to be characterized. We used a standardized surrogate for TRWP,cryogenically milled tire ...
Platform chemicals, also known as chemical building blocks, are substances that serve as starting materials for the synthesis of various value-added products, which find a wide range of applications. These chemicals are the key ingredients for many fine an ...