Fermi is the codename for a graphics processing unit (GPU) microarchitecture developed by Nvidia, first released to retail in April 2010, as the successor to the Tesla microarchitecture. It was the primary microarchitecture used in the GeForce 400 series and GeForce 500 series. It was followed by Kepler, and used alongside Kepler in the GeForce 600 series, GeForce 700 series, and GeForce 800 series, in the latter two only in mobile GPUs. In the workstation market, Fermi found use in the Quadro x000 series, Quadro NVS models, as well as in Nvidia Tesla computing modules. All desktop Fermi GPUs were manufactured in 40nm, mobile Fermi GPUs in 40nm and 28nm. Fermi is the oldest microarchitecture from NVIDIA that received support for Microsoft's rendering API Direct3D 12 feature_level 11. The architecture is named after Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist. Fermi Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) feature 3.0 billion transistors and a schematic is sketched in Fig. 1. Streaming Multiprocessor (SM): composed of 32 CUDA cores (see Streaming Multiprocessor and CUDA core sections). GigaThread global scheduler: distributes thread blocks to SM thread schedulers and manages the context switches between threads during execution (see Warp Scheduling section). Host interface: connects the GPU to the CPU via a PCI-Express v2 bus (peak transfer rate of 8GB/s). DRAM: supported up to 6GB of GDDR5 DRAM memory thanks to the 64-bit addressing capability (see Memory Architecture section). Clock frequency: 1.5 GHz (not released by NVIDIA, but estimated by Insight 64). Peak performance: 1.5 TFlops. Global memory clock: 2 GHz. DRAM bandwidth: 192GB/s. Each SM features 32 single-precision CUDA cores, 16 load/store units, four Special Function Units (SFUs), a 64KB block of high speed on-chip memory (see L1+Shared Memory subsection) and an interface to the L2 cache (see L2 Cache subsection). Allow source and destination addresses to be calculated for 16 threads per clock. Load and store the data from/to cache or DRAM.
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