Eudoxus of Cnidus (ˈjuːdəksəs; Εὔδοξος ὁ Κνίδιος, Eúdoxos ho Knídios; 408-355 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer, mathematician, scholar, and student of Archytas and Plato. All of his original works are lost, though some fragments are preserved in Hipparchus' commentary on Aratus's poem on astronomy. Sphaerics by Theodosius of Bithynia may be based on a work by Eudoxus. Eudoxus was born and died in Cnidus (also spelled Knidos), which was a city on the southwest coast of Asia Minor. The years of Eudoxus' birth and death are not fully known but the range may have been 408-355 BC, or 390-337 BC. His name Eudoxus means "honored" or "of good repute" (εὔδοξος, from eu "good" and doxa "opinion, belief, fame"). It is analogous to the Latin name Benedictus. Eudoxus's father, Aeschines of Cnidus, loved to watch stars at night. Eudoxus first traveled to Tarentum to study with Archytas, from whom he learned mathematics. While in Italy, Eudoxus visited Sicily, where he studied medicine with Philiston. At the age of 23, he traveled with the physician Theomedon—who (according to Diogenes Laërtius) some believed was his lover—to Athens to study with the followers of Socrates. He eventually attended lectures of Plato and other philosophers for several months, but due to a disagreement they had a falling-out. Eudoxus was quite poor and could only afford an apartment at Piraeus. To attend Plato's lectures, he walked the in each direction each day. Due to his poverty, his friends raised funds sufficient to send him to Heliopolis, Egypt, to pursue his study of astronomy and mathematics. He lived there for 16 months. From Egypt, he then traveled north to Cyzicus, located on the south shore of the Sea of Marmara, the Propontis. He traveled south to the court of Mausolus. During his travels he gathered many students of his own. Around 368 BC, Eudoxus returned to Athens with his students. According to some sources, 367 he assumed headship (scholarch) of the Academy during Plato's period in Syracuse, and taught Aristotle.
Georges Meylan, Yi Wang, Richard Massey
Georges Meylan, Yi Wang, Richard Massey