EE-536: Physical models for micro and nanosystemsStudents will learn simple theoretical models, the theoretical background of finite element modeling as well as its application to modeling charge, mass and heat transport in electronic, fluidic and e
MICRO-330: SensorsPrincipes physiques et électronique utilisés dans les capteurs. Applications des capteurs.
PHYS-114: General physics : electromagnetismLe cours traite des concepts de l'électromagnétisme, avec le support d'expériences. Les sujets traités inclus l'électrostatique, le courant électrique et circuits, la magnétostatique, l'induction élec
MICRO-534: Advanced MEMS & microsystemsIn depth analysis of the operation principles and technology of advanced micro- and nanosystems. Familiarisation to their implementation into products and their applications.
EE-511: Sensors in medical instrumentationFundamental principles and methods used for physiological signal conditioning. Electrode, optical, resistive, capacitive, inductive, and piezoelectric sensor techniques used to detect and convert phys