Power Vision EngineeringActive in hydroelectric, simulation and multiphysics. Power Vision Engineering specializes in modelling and simulating hydroelectric power plants' dynamic behavior, offering services in system stability assessment and complex flow analysis.
CyberboticsActive in robotics, simulation and modeling. Cyberbotics provides Webots, an open-source robot simulator since 1998, offering a comprehensive environment for modeling, programming, and simulating robots in various industries, education, and research.
VidinotiActive in augmented reality, connected objects and immersive experiences. Vidinoti specializes in augmented reality technology, offering user-friendly solutions for creating and managing location-based AR content.
MinshActive in community, messaging and team collaboration. Minsh empowers communities through a versatile private messaging app, facilitating efficient team communication, user management, and content sharing.
CFS EngineeringActive in numerical simulation, fluid mechanics and structural mechanics. CFS Engineering specializes in Numerical Simulation of Fluid Mechanics and Structural Mechanics Engineering Problems, collaborating with clients to enhance product design and performance.
VisualbiotechActive in visual solutions, scientific animations and data visualization. Visualbiotech creates visual solutions for scientific processes, making complex concepts accessible and compelling.
MindmazeActive in neurotechnology, digital therapeutics and teleneurorehabilitation. Mindmaze is a global leader in digital neurotherapeutics, offering evidence-driven therapies for brain health and recovery, including teleneurorehabilitation programs like MindMotion GO.
ArtmynActive in art ecosystem, scanning technology and 5D visualization. Artmyn revolutionizes the art ecosystem with cutting-edge scanning technology, online 5D visualization, and automatic damage detection algorithms, ensuring artwork integrity and enhancing customer engagement.