Covers credit risk structuring, bank capital ratios, funding determinants, and optimal capital structure, emphasizing interbank lending and covered bonds.
Discusses bank regulation, focusing on capital and liquidity requirements, and the implications of recent financial crises on regulatory frameworks.
Explores the nature of financial crises, their predictability, and historical examples, emphasizing lessons learned from the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.
Discusses loan sales and securitization as strategies for managing financial risks in lending.
Explores evidence against EMH, event studies, abnormal return methodology, and mutual fund performance.
Explores mutual fund performance, market liquidity, and optimal portfolio choice with transaction costs.
Covers loan sales, securitization, risks associated with loans, and the process of moving risks off-balance-sheet.
Explores Climeworks' innovative carbon removal technologies and their impact on combating global warming through direct air capture.
Explores bank regulation, covering capital, liquidity, Basel accords, and macroprudential measures to ensure financial stability.
Explores the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008 and the financial crisis.